Haiti - Justice : The State asks the BRH to suspend the letter of credit in favor of Sogener - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - Justice : The State asks the BRH to suspend the letter of credit in favor of Sogener
05/11/2019 09:39:23

Haiti - Justice : The State asks the BRH to suspend the letter of credit in favor of Sogener
As part of the struggle launched by the Head of State against the unfair capitalist system... the Haitian State, acting through the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the Ministry of Public Works, the General Directorate of Taxes and private firms of lawyers https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-29135-haiti-energy-the-state-hires-several-cabinets-of-lawyers-to-defend-its-interests.html , decided , by bailiff, to serve the Bank of the Republic of Haiti (BRH) to suspend the letter of credit issued in favor of Sogener in the context of the electricity supply contract to Electricité d'Haïti (HRE) between the state and Sogener.

Recall that this letter of credit L/C BRH/BNC (2840/2849) had been issued in accordance with the guarantees issued by the BRH for the payment of unpaid invoices by the EDH to Sogener SA, can we read in a correspondence addressed at the BRH by Jean Marie Vorbe the CEO of Sogener https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-29068-haiti-flash-jean-marie-vorbe-the-ceo-of-sogener-counter-attack.html

The judicial letter to the BRH transmitted to the parties, stipulates "[...] is ordered and formal defense to the Bank of the Republic of Haiti to have to cease all payments, defer, upon receipt of this, to any obligation arising of this so-called letter of credit, until it is decided otherwise by regulation by way of amicable agreement between the parties in question, or by a court decision relating to the letter of claim in reference; it must postpone, upon receipt of this letter, any renegotiation or obligation arising from the said letter of credit until it has been decided otherwise by an amicable settlement between the parties in question, either by a judicial decision passed in force of res judicata or sovereign judgment."

In addition, the notice of service recalls that, in the light of the report of the Commission for the Renegotiation of Power Purchase Contracts dated 3 November 2015, Sogener S.A, is guilty of several cases of over-billing and undue payments by the EDH totaling $123 million for the period from 2007 to 2015 https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-29168-haiti-justice-the-state-wants-to-recover-$123m-from-sogener.html

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