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Haiti - Environment : 828 earthquakes recorded
11/01/2024 09:35:43

Haiti - Environment : 828 earthquakes recorded
The Technical Seismology Unit (UTS) of the Bureau of Mines and Energy (BME), presents the results of seismic activities observed in Haiti during the year 2023. The data are collected from local seismological networks (Ayiti-séismes and UTS) and regional (Cuba, Jamaica and Dominican Republic).

828 earthquakes (2.2 earthquakes on average each day) were recorded during the year 2023, unlike 2022 which experienced 1,451 mainly due to the continuous aftershocks observed in the western part of the Southern peninsula, caused by the major earthquake of August 14, 2021.

The magnitude of these 828 earthquakes is between 0.6 and 5.5 on the Richter scale, earthquakes classified as minor, magnitude less than 3 represent 729 earthquakes (88%).

The remaining 99 earthquakes (12%) have magnitudes ranging from 3.1 to 5.5, including 89 from 3.1 to 3.9; 8 from 4 to 4.8 and 2 from 5.5. The largest magnitude for the year 2023 was 5.5 occurring in February west of Môle Saint Nicolas (North-West) https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-38862-haiti-flash-strong-earthquake-off-bombardopolis.html and in June between the towns of Apricot and Jérémie (Grand'Anse) https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-39708-haiti-flash-strong-earthquake-near-jeremie-mag-55-update-8h29.html .

The number of offshore earthquakes in 2023 amounts to 408, or 49.3%, with a high concentration to the north of Jérémie and to the west of the North-West peninsula. Let's remember that earthquakes at sea are likely to cause tsunamis when the conditions are right (magnitude greater than 6.5 and depth less than 50 km).

Earthquakes occurring at a depth less than or equal to 10 km numbered 443, or 53.5%. These earthquakes are called superficial because they occur in the most superficial part of the earth's crust; their impact on the surface is more perceptible than earthquakes located at great depth.

The earthquakes recorded during the year 2023 are distributed across the ten (10) geographical departments of the country and show uneven seismic activity by department.

Located on the Caribbean plate, Haiti can be affected by a major earthquake, possibly associated with a nearby tsunami, if the event is located near the Haitian coast, particularly in the areas of Oriente (Cuba), Kingston (Jamaica), the northern coast of the Dominican Republic and/or the border connecting the two countries. Note that Haiti can also be affected by distant tsunamis coming from the West Indies or even Europe.

On May 18, 2023, the Dominican Republic recorded a magnitude 4.9 earthquake located south of Puerto Plata, or 123 km south of Fort Liberté. On October 30, 2023, a magnitude 5.8 earthquake occurred in Jamaica north of Kingston, or at a distance of 237 km west of Tiburon in Haiti. On November 10, 2023, a magnitude 5.1 earthquake was located in the Dominican Republic 13 km southeast of Monte Christi and 27 km east of Fort Liberté. In the three aforementioned cases, the tremors were felt in Haiti, creating panic, despite their moderate magnitudes, particularly in the northern border area, in the South and Grand'Anse. A magnitude greater than or equal to 6 outside Haiti will not fail to cause material damage and loss of life in the country, due to our very great vulnerability.

Also read earthquakes 2023 :

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