Haiti Environment : Closing and review of the 2022 hurricane season 08/12/2022 10:48:57
The 2022 hurricane season for the Caribbean, Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico, which began on June 1szt, officially ended on November 30. It was closed in Haiti by the General Directorate of Civil Protection (DGPC), which coordinates the National Disaster Risk Management System (SNGRD).
This year, Haiti was relatively spared no hurricanes hit Haiti. During the passage of Hurricane Fiona off the northern coast of Haiti, the Hydro Meteorological Unit of Haiti issued 9 special tropical storm bulletins, from September 16 to 20, and, in concert with the DGPC and SPGRD placed Haiti on yellow alert for heavy sea conditions.
Overall, the assessment of the 2022 season, in the Atlantic, the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico, coincided with the minimum forecasts released in August by the United States Oceanic and Atmospheric Monitoring Agency (NOAA, English acronym). Indeed, it is officially over with 14 named phenomena, against 14 to 21 predicted by NOAA experts https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-36810-haiti-environment-an-above-normal-hurricane-season-latest-noaa-forecasts.html . Of these tropical storms, 6 developed into hurricanes, including two major hurricanes.
During this period, Haiti was brushed by Hurricane Fiona, then Category 1 https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-37679-haiti-flash-fiona-heavy-rain-strong-winds-and-heavy-seas-in-haiti.html https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-37687-haiti-flash-first-effect-of-hurricane-fiona-on-haiti.html . Last August, heavy downpours fell on several departments of Haiti causing considerable damage. According to the General Directorate of Civil Protection:
See also : https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-37945-icihaiti-plaisance-collapse-of-the-bwadom-bridge-the-rn1-cut-in-two.html
Although the hurricane season is over, the Alliance for Risk Management and Business Continuity (AGERCA) calls for vigilance in order to invite all the population to stay informed of the weather conditions because a low risk remains, that Haiti may be affected by a weather phenomenon outside of the official season.
Read also about the 2022 hurricane season :
HL/ HaitiLibre