Haiti - FLASH : Roadmap to the Minister of Planning - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7

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Haiti - FLASH : Roadmap to the Minister of Planning
14/04/2017 10:01:27

Haiti - FLASH : Roadmap to the Minister of Planning
Within the guidelines set by President Moïse, translated into roadmaps, handed to each minister https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-20507-icihaiti-politics-handing-of-roadmaps-to-ministers.html , Prime Minister Lafontant asked the Minister of Planning and External Cooperation Aviol Fleurant, to coordinate, monitor and evaluate the government's priority investment programs and projects and to carry out the necessary reforms to strengthen the national planning and development system and to ensure the follow-up, monitoring and evaluation of government development projects. In this context, you are specifically responsible for the following actions :

Roadmap to the Minister of Planning and External Cooperation :

"- Conduct a global reflection on the reconstruction of the departments of the Great South affected by Hurricane Matthew and to propose to the Government a policy of reconstruction for the rehabilitation of these departments;
- Coordinate the implementation of investment projects for the rehabilitation of the Greater South;
- Ensure the follow-up of the policy of land-use planning carried out by the State in the South and to ensure that the departmental departments of the ministries and the deconcentrated public bodies adjust their respective actions and converge the means at their disposal towards the Great South recovery targets;
- Support the efforts of the Departmental Delegations and the Departmental Departments of the Ministries in the implementation and follow-up of projects relating to the reconstruction of the departments affected by Cyclone Matthew;
- Plan, prepare and evaluate projects, to ensure the coordination and follow-up of aid destined for the Great South in the framework of post-Matthew reconstruction;

The President of the Republic and the Government make the Greater South a priority region reflecting the will of the State to offer technical and financial partners a new way of approaching the problems of the economic and social development of the country. Your services are required to :

- Diriger, organiser, animer et superviser les activités et les travaux du Grand Sud ;
- Prepare policy documents and ensure the implementation of the orientations defined by the Government for the development of the Greater South;
- Receive, study and direct any program or project of intervention in the context of the reconstruction of the Great South and analyze its relevance in relation to the defined policy;
- Ensure and verify the coherence of programs and projects developed in the context of the reconstruction of the Greater South with Government policy;
- Ensure a balanced distribution of basic public services and community facilities in the departments affected by Cyclone Matthew;
- Ensure the implementation of the urban and rural development plans by the various actors involved in the Greater South;
- Disseminate any information, decision and any reports and recommendations deemed necessary for the rehabilitation of the Great South;
- Ensure strict compliance with land use planning (POS) and territorial functionality of each commune ;
- Ensure the implementation of a coherent policy for the benefit of territories suffering from disadvantages or facing situations of agricultural, economic, industrial or environmental crises;
- Ensure the development of partnerships and synergies with all players in the Greater South: Delegations, Departmental departments, autonomous bodies, technically devolved bodies, local authorities, higher education institutions, Unions, Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Chamber of Trades and Crafts, Chamber of Agriculture, Enterprises, NGOs, Associations and Natural persons using the contractual way and incentive.
- Support and accompany the project leaders likely to contribute to economic and social development of the South.

I ask you to start preparing the Budget 2017-2018, which will have to be approved by the Council of Ministers, after arbitration by the Ministry of the Economy and Finance, and filed within the legal deadlines in Parliament.

You will also have the task of increasing transparency, the fight against corruption and the good management of public property. It will be up to you to organize, direct and animate the services, teams and agents of the State placed under your responsibility.

Jack Guy Lafontant, Prime Minister"

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